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About Dermal Fillers

  1. What are Dermal Fillers?

While collagen used to be the commonly administered filler, hyaluronic acid fillers are the new injectables of choice. 

Hyaluronic acid is a natural skin substance that stores moisture in the skin. By replenishing it, skin will have more volume and the appearance of lines and wrinkles become diminished, giving patient’s natural-looking results.     


    2. What is the Difference Between Botox and Dermal Fillers?

Botox /anti-wrinkles and alternatives like JeuveauXeomin and Dysport are not fillers, but neuromodulators used to treat wrinkles that naturally occur around the eyes, mouth and in between your eyebrows. As these lines become more pronounced with age, Botox can be used to relax the muscles that cause them. Since the injected muscle can no longer tighten and contract after treatment, wrinkles will then relax and soften.

Dermal fillers, on the other hand, add volume to the depressions around the corners of the mouth, lips, temples, chin and cheekbones, while enhancing facial features. Once injected, it will replenish your natural hyaluronic acid, which diminishes as you age. Fillers will give your skin a plump, smooth, hydrated look and can work in tandem with Botox to rejuvenate the face.


     3. What are Some Examples of Dermal Fillers?

Popular fillers include:

Galderma fillers: RestylaneRestylane SilkRestylane LyftRestylane Refyne, and Restylane Defyne

Allergan fillers: Juvéderm, Juvéderm XC, VolumaVolbellaVollure

Merz filler: Belotero and Radiesse (a non-hyaluronic acid filler composed of collagen and calcium hydroxyapatite) 

Suneva filler: Bellafill

Each product is formulated to create a certain texture, depth and density –meaning, certain fillers will work better for certain areas you want to enhance. Your doctor should be able to determine what product is best for your needs.

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